Beauty Fades

james fisk jr monument statues brattleboroSilent stone maidens, scarred and worn, surround the tomb of Col. James Fisk, Jr., the infamous robber baron and railroad tycoon; native son of Brattleboro, Vermont, “Jubilee Jim’s” larger-than-life story was cut short in 1872 at 36 years of age by gunfire from a jealous rival.

At the Prospect Hill Cemetery above the Connecticut River, in Brattleboro, Vermont. Fisk’s monument was designed by another esteemed local, sculptor Larkin Mead.

Autumn Afternoon Reverie

prospect cemetery brattleboro statue sunsetLate on a Sunday, a silent stone maiden casts her eyes downward to the quiet grounds of Prospect Hill Cemetery in Brattleboro, Vermont.

And… (small celebratory noises) this makes post #200 on Quotidiously, folks. Thanks for following and liking us all these many months!

View from the Caponier

caponier fort mcclary kittery maineLooking up from the depths of the seaside caponier in the outer defenses of Fort McClary at Kittery Point, Maine, to the blockhouse perched above on a small hill. Fort McClary’s site has been an important defensive position for Portsmouth harbor since 1689 and was expanded and reconstructed many times for the next two hundred years. The strategically important Portsmouth Naval Shipyard lies just inside its sentinel position on the tidal Piscataqua River, which creates the seacoast border between the states of New Hampshire and Maine.

Whose Pipes These Are

organ pipe mud dauber wasp nestThe carefully constructed tubes of an organ-pipe mud dauber wasp align under the eaves of a Guilford barn. The brilliant metallic blue wasps build up their ridged nests layer upon layer using tiny mudballs flown in from nearby puddles, the varying colors reflecting different sources. As the male stands guard, the female wasp fills each tube’s stacked compartments with a single egg and a stash of paralyzed spiders for the hatchlings to dine upon in their private chambers